Sustainability - for our people, customers, community and the environment
We consider that sustainability in business has wider implications than just looking after the environment. Our policies and practices include sustaining:
- the people who work for us and their families
- the delivery of products for our customers
- the key relationships with our suppliers
- the community we live in
- forests where wood is sourced
- the environment by reducing our impact on it
Our current sustainability commitments include:
- Reducing dependence on fossil fuels, trace metals and minerals.
- Reducing the accumulation of persistent and unnatural substances. All export product is heat treated to meet MPI standards. Methyl Bromide is not used to treat any timber products.
- Reducing physical impact on the environment. Wood residue is recycled or sold. Company wide polices focus on reducing materials and recycling to reduce landfill waste.
- Returning profits to the community through sponsorships, awards, grants and donations.
- Being an industry leader in health and safety practices.
- Ensuring a safe workplace for our staff so they can continue to provide for their families.
- Actively seeking initiatives that promote education, employment opportunities and work experience for our staff and the wider community.
- A commitment to innovation and continual improvement in everything we do.
- A commitment to maintaining tertiary level for ACC, Workplace Safety Management Practices (WSMP).